Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Week 2~The MTC is Great as Always

Hey Everyone,

MTC is great as always! Days go by fast but weeks go by slow! My district is the best. We have great study moments together! My teacher Brother Abidillo is the best teacher. In fact we think he's one of the 3 Nephites XD.
TRC (teaching resource center) is great since we get to role play, teach investigators and the lessons always go well. The food is great as always and the leaders are the best.
I leave next week to go to the field and I'm looking forward to it!
Elder Carson Lockhart
Great workers at the MTC
Frozen pizza and french fries... Just like home
Hey Mom,
Yeah everything is going well! It's good to hear you're doing well. Dad is keeping me up to date as well.
Today I am going to the temple just to clean up but not to temple work.
We have'nt heard from any General Authorities but we have awesome speakers that speak for Sunday Devotionals and I've been making a lot of notes.
My companion is to going to the same mission as I am. He's awesome. Good singer, football player, knows church doctrine well and we get along a lot.
Washing my clothes are not bad really. My companion even leaves his socks inside out and that's something dad would flip out at...hahaha
My district are just a group of companions that are going to Utah Missions. 12 members are in it. They're awesome and they're impressed how I know alot of scriptures and history.
Elder Lockhart