Tuesday, July 25, 2017

OWeek 4~First Letter from the Field

Hey Elders/Brothers and Sisters,

This week in the mission field is awesome!
On my first day I got to meet my trainer Elder Mortensen. Awesome Elder who's only 2 months older than me lol. He's from Tennessee. After, we had a great lunch at Five Guys with these faithful members named the Howes.
I got my bike and I've been riding it. I hope all that bike riding will help me pay off of getting ready to do a triathlon when I get back home...hahaha.
I miss the MTC because of the people in my zone, district and my teachers in which one of them is one of the 3 nephites XD.
When proselyting you do expect to see a lot of members active or inactive (mostly inactive).
There's one nonmember that goes only to the first hour at church. He has done this his whole life since he was little and yet he's not baptized. He knows the church doctrine pretty well but yet he's not baptized. Three months and even longer he took the missionary discussions and we're trying our best to convince him to be baptized. I love him and he's my first person to teach in the field. He even knows my last name because there's a finance company that has my last name in it...hahaha.
I attended 3 sacrament meetings on Sundays because there is so many wards. I covered the American Fork 1st, 15th and 38th ward. Great people. One of the bishop's sons is in my hometown stake. Small world.
I've been praying for each and every one of you! You're all the best and I hope you all success in whatever you do!
Elder Lockhart

It's all good. Elder Mortensen is awesome. I'm trying to get use to the area even if it's only the first week. Don't worry about my hunger anymore. I like the mission a lot. I've been praying for you and the family! I hope the ward is good! I hope you got the pics from a family I went over last night. A family member took a pic of me and sent it to you by me giving her your number. Great family. Anyway hope you are doing good!

Some More Photos...