Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 5~It's "Mi Ranchita"

Almost like "Mi Casita" back at home😁
Wow only week 2 and it seems so slow throughout the week!
The area is great but it's difficult to find people to teach that are nonmembers. My area is so small and there's a lot of members in those areas.
I got to see the temple on the way home, Mount Timpanogas on the way home. Beautiful place!
I love my companion! He reminds me of myself before the mission. He loves this Mexican restaurant called Mi Ranchito that reminds me of my Mexican restaurant back home. He'll eat there anytime. I ate there a lot before my mission and I never thought I would ever eat there again XD.
Our goal is try to get more members more involve with missionary work. We know how important members are with missionary work according to Gordon B. Hinckley.
What's not going so well is that a lot of inactives are not having motivation to commit. We're working on this Father who misses his experiences of feeling the spirit and going to the temple but would not come and bring his kids to church. Nice man and everything, in fact, we share a lot in common. But we're trying our best to get him to church and also baptize his boys.
There's also a man who was a convert to the church when he was in his early 20s with his wife and he was well active in the church. He was a seminary teacher, a bishopric counselor, a missionary but not a proselyting kind and a faithful man. He at one time had an accident with his head and lost some of his memory. While he was in the hospital, his family member showed him some anti Mormon stuff and he decided to go in active. Throughout a few months he's actually been making some changes and he has a desire to come back to Church. The spirit is there for him and his family. We're praying and fasting for him that he can come again and be such a great influence for his children and grandchildren. His wife is very faithful and is great with family history.
I may not witness many miracles this week but I've seen how the spirit can be a good influence and I'm so grateful for it. Thanks to a Sunday talk yesterday by a man, he shared a great doctrine of sacrifice which influences me to do better with my missionary work and even be more converted unto the Lord just like the MTC.
I've witness some door slamming in my face and people not interested in the Gospel because of trouble times they have. What I've realize is that since I know the Gospel is true and such a great influence, it makes me want to love those more who reject it because of the trials they have and knowing that afflictions are hard to deal with and recalling hard times I had in my life, it makes me want to help them how to overcome it.
My prayers have change here and there but I have not forgotten you all. You have been in my prayers and you will always be. Slowly but surely the Lord's time is right and I'm happy to see that everyone is doing alright. Take care Y'ALL
Elder Carson Lockhart