Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week 19~Lakeview and Sunset Area

I feel like this transfer is going well concerning that I was moved to a new apartment which was claim to be the most envied apartment in the whole mission. I went from American Fork to my second area which is the Lake View and Sunset Area. It is the biggest area in the Zone and maybe even the whole mission and it covers 16 Stakes. I can't wait to be busier than I ever was. My new companion is Elder Clarke who is a transfer younger than me. It feels weird to be the senior comapnion when I don't know my area well and he is also the designated driver. Were having the car for this week and we'll be back on bikes and walking.

Our landlord has a mutt dog that explores the house and his name is buddy. I love that dog. Being in the new apartment I feel so spoiled. In fact I say Utah is a spoiled place to be on a mission. There is a mansion who has a bunch of lights and its pretty lit to drive by.

Thanksgiving was amazing! We had two dinners and it's great to eat pumpkin pie and colsalad. Me and Elder Clarke agree that it was weird how its not as good of having a dinner without your family.

Elder Clarke is from Springfield Missouri and served for about 4 months. Great missionary that loves to work.

Well my district is very intersting. My Father (trainer and first companion) Elder Mortensen is there with my brother (his second trainee) Elder Fitzgerald who is from Virginia and in the same stake as Elder Mortensen's follow trainer. Small world. My district leader Elder Lavoie and his companion Elder Marggetts. Elder Lavoie is a Spider-Man fan and Margette is from Nebraska.

I am looking forward to many opportunities to teach this week.

I met one of the grandsons of Elder Bruce R. McKonkie who is a Ward Mission Leader. It's amazing to see an owl one night.

Y'all have a great week

Week 18~Transfer to Orem

Today was the transfer calls and I am moving out of American Fork and be going to Orem and my new companion is Elder Clarke. I do not know who he is but next week ya'll will. I will have a car for 2 weeks and the rest will be biking. Still get to use my horn on my bike.

The musical fireside was AMAZING. Vocal Point was really the best, especially singing Nearer my God to Thee and our Mission Song. Sheri Dew was the best speaker of course we heard.

Last week, I went on excahnge with Elder Deakins and helped him with training him. We went to visit a man that me and my MTC comanion ELder Jasperson first found and man we had such a great conversation on the topic of philosophy, religion and doctrines. I had the chance to see him one last time and try my best to help him be commited. I don't know what he's gonna do but he said he will accept my challenge and do the commitments on what he needs to do. It took him a while for him to accept the assignment and even though if I may never meet him again, I sure hope that he will do it. Smart man and he calims to be 6 8''.

We had great lessons with less active members and I hope the missionaries will continue to teach them well.

Last Friday, we went about doing service on raking leaves for a family in Elder Jasperson's area. We also had a great time going bowling as a District.

I don't know what will happen on Thanksgiving but for sure it's gonna be enjoyable. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Last Photo: American Fork Ward Focus Area. My first area of where I served on my first 3 transfers

Week 17~Miracles

Today was one of the greatest preperation days we had. We went bowling and I made a great score of 112 but maybe not as good as my friend Joe back home.

We have been helping a ward with food preperation for their Thanksgiving party and wow it was great record amount of people there. What's a great miracle is that me and Elder Oyunbold had the chance to speak in sacrament meeting about our lives be like without the Book of Mormon and I felt so pumped to speak. What's even a greater miracle is that we were asked last minute to give a lesson in 2nd hour on missionary work. I have to admit, me and Elder Oyunbold dropped the mic on that one because it went so well. The Spirit is real and so are God's mysterious ways of performing miracles.

We actually had the chance to help a German woman to build her bokcase and she made this amazing meat of pork that Germans made. Me and Elder Oyunbold admit that it was one of the greatest meats we ever had. Her name is Mary and she is amazing especially someone who's not a member.

Missionary work here is going well. We have been teaching many great lessons and helping people be commited into doing the things they need to do.

We finally got our new smart phones. They're just like the Samsung tablets but smaller. What we learn is that, new missionaries will allow just phones for the new missionaries. Hotspot is what makes it easier for the work to keep moving forward.

Many miracles come and miracles in this day has not ceased. God does indeed love us and is willing to provide us the help we all need in our daily lives. By sincere prayer comes many great answers.

Week 16~Week of Mostly Pizza

Pic 1-4 Temple Pictures

Pic 5 Pizza

Pic 6 Our Dinner with another family that just return from their mission in England. Great Mexican Resturaunt

Pic 7-9 District Photo

Pic 10 Elder casperon and I

Rest of the Pics: Bikes riding to Fantastic Sam's

Week 15~Great Week!

What's been up people,

This week was a great week.

We helped a lady who takes the leaves for the apartments and we offer to help her out. As we working she wanted to take a selfie with us and what's amazing is that when me and my companions bodies were in the picture we were glowing and shining. She thought we were angels because it wouldn't stop happening. Even if there's something wrong with the camera it did signal her that we were servants of God and we became her favorite missionaries for the service we have done for her. I say that's a miracle.

What's also amazing is that a family that once dropped us came back having us over to teach them and were hoping that the father will baptize his children. I'm so excited for them.

We have done a district activity. We played great games of superfight and munchkin. It was amazing activity and we had great Mongolian food thanks to my companion. Rice, meat, salad and cookies.

Tonite we had a great family home evening lesson and we taught the law of chasity with the Youth. We're helping them prepare to withstand fro, the evils of the world.

Tomorrow we are gonna attend the temple and rehearse the musical fireside for November 19th. Working on memorizing The Living Christ.

May the Lord bless your lives.

Week 14~Day 96

Gooooooooooood Evening!

Yes today is day 96 thanks to my MTC Companion. When he writes down in his journal he counts his days thanks to his trainer. Now I know that I'm close to 100 days lol.

Pic 1: The Pumpkins we made are starting to rot and I hope more scarier. The one I made is on the left and the right one is my companions. He is a creative genius.

Pic 2: Today was a zone activity where we get to play good basketball and sardines. The zone is cool

Pic 3-4: A few houses had great Halloween decorations and we came across the house with good decorations.

Pic 5: Last Sunday my companions companion that served in this area where were serving is Elder Richardson and as any other missionary in this mission, he is from Texas.

Last week we have been doing better in finding people and actually settled up 14 lessons although a few got canceled which is sad to say. Nevertheless every lesson I have been was a great experience.

Yesterday I got to see and hear from the Stake President of American Fork and he seems to be a great guy and reminds me of my own dad.