Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week 12~Love this Area

Hello Brothers/Elders and Sisters,

It was a mistake, preperation day is today so lucky for you all (ya'll)

On Sunday when Bishop Shettell's son, Josiah, gave his homecoming talk and went to his homecoming party, his cousin happens to be the wife of the actor that played Giamel (however you spelled it) on the mormon message videos, Reaching out with Love and Stay within the lines. His real name is Kalob and he served his mission in Peru. During his mission, the company that does the mormon message videos, they would always call up is parents asking him when he comes home and the day before he came home they video chat him asking him to do the Reaching out with Love video. Amazing stories he has when he got the role. Kalob is the husband of the cousin of that family of the return missionary who is Josiah.

On the same day of the homecoming talk, I got to speak on Charity and my companion got to speak on gratitude. Along with other sacrament meetings, we had the sucess of seeing people that took our invontation of coming to Church.

During these past 2 months in the field, I actaully gain about 20 pounds. They said the average amount of weight an Elder gains in this mission is 40 pounds. 60 for Sisters. The members in this mission are trying to accomplish the task of fattning the missionaries. I just know that because of my biking, my pants have started to feel tighter.

It was awesome to teach at the Bel Aire CareCenter about the importance of families and that through Jesus Christ we can be with our families again.

I love the area I am but there is hardly anyone to find and teach so we more focus on just members. I love the people and it's giving me the experience on getting to know the members.

This week has gone great and I want to share this amazing Utah Orem Mission Song: Send Me

Love you all!